Thursday, May 5, 2011

Welcome to Bless the Children's blog!

Bless the Children was founded by Karen Hubbard and born from an intense love of children, especially those who suffer unnecessarily.  When taking an honest look, anyone can see for himself that the world's children are desperately in need of a tremendous amount of help.  Most of the people living in poverty are children.

The most common dream among poor children is to go to school.  They want to become doctors, nurses, lawyers, policemen...just like our children here in the United States.  But for millions, an education remains a dream.  In the countries we serve "free" education is only provided through the 6th grade, but even then the inability to afford school supplies and uniforms prevents children from attending.  Many are forced to work to help support their families.  Still others have no school to attend.  They are trapped in the cycle of poverty; they know it and yet they can do nothing about it. 

It can seem nearly impossible to provide education to all the children of the world but in truth it can be very simple.  When looking at the global repercussions stemming from illiteracy, providing school supplies and uniforms is a rather light matter all in all.  We have found that when we provide lunch at school, parents who kept their children at home to work send them to class since that is one meal they can count on.  And building a school is like anything else in life - you join together with like-minded people and get to work.

Our supporters come from all income levels.  Each of them knows their donation makes a true impact in helping children.  Over 98% of donations to Bless the Children are received by beneficiaries.  Please join us today to help orphaned, abandoned and deeply impoverished children - step by step we can help children escape the chains of severe poverty.  donate today

All of our work to help children is done in the direction of peace.  Creating lasting peace for the future begins with helping children who will be the next generation.  People who are hungry, have disease and are illiterate are unable to be the social motivators needed to create peace.  They are easily upset, have little physical capacity and are easily influenced in harmful ways.
Our programs help children overcome the cycle of poverty.  With good health, nutrition and education they become strong in body and spirit and are able to create enduring change for themselves, their families and their communities.

Children can bring about world change.  They need help to get there.

We are looking forward to sharing good news with you regarding our work to help vulnerable children!

Visit our website!

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